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Utilizing Appointment Reminders for Safe Virtual Communication

Dec 01 / by: Christina Curtis
Automated Reminder Tips

Now, more than ever, contactless communication is needed to keep your practice functioning. Automated reminders have been an essential tool for dental and ortho practices for years, however in the time of COVID-19, adding additional messaging that can be quickly updated as needed will ease patients’ concerns. Information to include can consist of the following: Links to Online Patient Forms […]
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Setting Up Geographic Ad Targeting in Google and Bing

Nov 17 / by: Michael Fitterer

People in the United States and Canada have grown accustomed to convenience. From food to entertainment and services, nearly every need or comfort can be delivered quickly or is just a short car ride away from where a person lives. This is especially true in large cities and suburbs.  So, given the accessibility people now enjoy and expect, it’s not […]
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Great Methods for Digital Lead Tracking

Nov 10 / by: Phil Horton
Tracking Your Practice's Digital Performance

Building a practice isn’t easy. Not only must you ensure your staff, equipment, and facilities are ready to provide the best possible service for your patients, but you also have to get patients in the office! This is where your marketing comes into play. You may have people in the office working on your website, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts, […]
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3 Best Practices for Selecting PPC Keywords

Nov 03 / by: Michael Fitterer
Selecting PPC Keywords

In the digital marketing world, the more targeted you can be with messaging towards your desired audience the better.  This rule holds especially true in the realm of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Strategic keyword selection and targeting are two of the most important PPC optimization factors. If keywords are irrelevant or too generic, money spent on clicks is destined to be […]
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Getting Started With Link Building

Oct 27 / by: Naomi Newell
Ideas for Building Links to Your Practice's Website

When a search engine like Google crawls a website it checks the page content plus inbound and outbound links to conclude how relevant that site is for keyword searches.  Inbound links are links that point to a website from other websites. They are also known as backlinks. Outbound links are links that point outward from one website to external websites. […]
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New Instagram Features Your Practice Can Utilize

Oct 20 / by: Jennie Rogers
New Instagram Features to Use

One of the most challenging aspects of social media management is keeping track of the ever-evolving trends and updates within the different platforms. Being an up-to-date social media user is crucial for staying relevant to your followers.  In this post, I’ll go over the latest features Instagram has rolled out over the last few months and how you can use […]
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Creating Engaging Instagram Content

Oct 13 / by: Tyler Harris
Creating Compelling Instagram Content

In recent years, Instagram has skyrocketed in popularity to become one of the most visited and influential social media networks.  According to recent reports, there are on average over 500 million active users on Instagram every day. When it comes to Instagram, it is important your audience is connected and engaged with your practice. Now more than ever, it is […]
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Simple Steps for Creating Excellent Ad Copy

Oct 06 / by: Michael Fitterer
PPC Ad copy best practices

First impressions matter in the world of digital marketing. Your Practice’s Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ad is likely to be seen only one time by a prospective patient.  That’s why optimizing ad copy is an absolute must. The more you can cater your copy to the needs of your audience the more clicks you will receive from prospective patients.  The good news […]
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Referrals Alone Are Not Enough

Sep 29 / by: Phil Horton
Digital Marketing Channels

Word-of-mouth advertising has always been an amazing source of lead generation for all business types – especially healthcare. It’s something we hear all the time at Sesame when we speak with new practices: “I get all my business from word of mouth.”  In reality, though, in the digital age potential patients don’t simply accept a friend, relative, or acquaintance’s advice. They […]
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Incorporating Seasonality Into Your Blog Posts

Sep 22 / by: Jennie Rogers
Creating Seasonal Content

If you’ve read our previous posts on tips and tricks for writing and maintaining your website blog then you already know the blueprint for what makes up a successful blog post. Now that you know what goes into crafting a readable and engaging blog it’s time to choose a topic. Need help coming up with ideas for some new topics? […]
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