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Content Should be Fun and Topical

Sep 15 / by: Michael Fitterer
Keep Content Topical

One of the biggest challenges with posting content to a blog or social media profile exists with selecting themes your audience will be interested in.  People only gravitate to certain types of content. That’s why keeping reader interests in mind is a necessity.  To help narrow down the selection and creation path I’ll cover themes, types of content to stay […]
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Explaining Local SEO and Why it’s Important

Sep 08 / by: Phil Horton
Local SEO Optimization Tips for Your Practice

Where your office physically exists is one of the most important factors influencing your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts.  We would all love to rank in the top of the search results no matter where people search from. The reality, though, is that locality is and should be the focus of how search results are displayed. Optimizing for “local search” […]
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Homepage Updates for Better Search Engine Visibility

Sep 01 / by: Michael Fitterer
Homepage Content Optimization

On most websites, the homepage is more important than all others. It acts as the gateway to relevant information featured in different sections of a website, such as services provided. It’s often the page that gets the largest volume of site visitors.  Thus, given its level of importance, practices should prioritize available marketing time and attention towards their homepages before […]
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How PPC Can Supplement Your SEO Efforts

Aug 25 / by: Rebekah McBride

When deciding if Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing is right for you, ask yourself “will it help my practice’s visibility in search results?” To answer that question, we first need to learn more about what search engine optimization (SEO) entails and how it differs from paid advertising. Onsite SEO is based on the foundation of your website. SEO entails optimizing the content […]
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Rules for Creating SEO-Friendly Website Content

Aug 18 / by: Naomi Newell
Creating SEO-friendly website content

In order to drive new patients to your website, your website content needs to represent your practice. Whether you think about it this way or not, your practice is a brand. It’s up to you build your brand so that it’s positively perceived by patients and prospective patients. Patients assume that you are qualified. However, with competition patients need to […]
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Standing Out on Facebook Using Great Imagery + Videos

Aug 11 / by: Tyler Harris
Taking Great Pictures for Your Social Media Profiles

Utilizing Facebook to connect with your patients is very important. In a time when in-person communication has been limited, fostering communities online has become an essential part of maintaining relationships.  Posting photos and sharing content from your practice goes a long way towards letting your patients (and prospective patients) get a feel for what it will be like during their […]
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3 More Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts

Aug 05 / by: Jennie Rogers
Blog posting recommendations for practices

Writing and maintaining a blog for your website may seem like a daunting task at first. Rest assured, your efforts won’t go unrewarded!  Frequently creating consistent content for your blog benefits your website and aids in growing an audience that is actively engaged with you online. A successful blog post should be rich in keywords, stay topical and relevant, have […]
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Summer Social Media Content Suggestions With COVID-19 in Mind

Jul 28 / by: Jonathan Giraldo
Summer Social Media Content Ideas

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing a new normal in most communities. As a result, social media has become a crucial avenue for practices to keep in touch with current patients and market their services to potential new patients. For this reason, it’s important that you adjust your content to the current state of affairs in order to better communicate with […]
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3 Tips For Writing Great Blog Posts

Jul 21 / by: Michael Fitterer
Blog Post Creation Best Practices

Not all blog posts are created equal. Once you’ve decided on a topic there are a handful of key decisions to make that will ultimately contribute heavily to whether or not your post is a success.  The title and layout of a blog post are critical contributing components. As a best practice select a simple and enticing title and support […]
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Why it’s Time to Stop Avoiding SEO

Jul 15 / by: Phil Horton
Stop Ignoring SEO

When it comes to avoiding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts, there are some common themes such as:  “Our business comes from referrals.” “People don’t actually use the internet for finding a doctor.” “We already show up high on Google.” We’ve heard a ton of reasons why people think they can avoid any type of active SEO efforts. No matter what […]
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