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Free Tools for Learning More About Your Competition’s Web Presence

Jul 07 / by: Michael Fitterer
Competitor Research Tools

Are you curious to know how your practice’s online presence compares to your competition? Do you wonder if competitors are showing up for many of the same search results as your practice?  Are you wondering if they’re engaged in any digital marketing efforts?  If you have any of these questions or other related ones, I have great news for you […]
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Creating Website Content for Your Market

Jun 30 / by: Michael Fitterer
Local Search Content Optimization

People searching for a new dentist, orthodontist, or dental specialist want to find someone nearby. The reality is that most people are dealing with an abundance of conflicting priorities at any given time. As a result, finding a great practice in their area saves on travel time and can even help reduce stress levels.   That’s why having a website that […]
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Facebook vs. Twitter – Which One is Best for Your Practice?

Jun 23 / by: Tyler Harris
Facebook vs. Twitter - Which is Best for Your Practice?

When it comes to your practice’s social media strategy, the goal shouldn’t always be about finding the latest or greatest network out there. It’s more about discovering which social media networks are the right fit for your office and learning where you can connect to the right community.  Knowing where to invest your efforts can be a downright difficult task. […]
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3 Free Tools for Generating Blog Post Content Ideas

Jun 16 / by: Michael Fitterer

Writer’s block happens. Even prolific writers struggle with generating new content ideas at times.  Luckily, in the Internet age there are a TON of resources you can utilize to help with content creation.  In this blog post I will outline 3 great tools you can utilize for coming up with new blog post ideas. Oh, and each one can be […]
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Social Media Content Ideas for Reopened Practices

Jun 09 / by: Phil Horton

These past months have been a challenge. There is no denying it. People and businesses across the country have struggled as COVID-19 has changed every aspect of our lives.  As everyone adjusts to a new way of life, practices are looking for new ways to remain successful community pillars. Now that offices are opening up across the country, it’s time […]
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Why Optimized Title Tags are Crucial for SEO

Jun 02 / by: John Nguyen

  Do you have a beautiful web page that’s not getting as many visitors as you expected? It might be due to your web page’s title tag. The title tag of your web page lets search engines and people know the theme of the content on the page.  In the back end of your web page, the title tag would […]
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Considerations for Choosing a Pay-Per-Click Budget

May 26 / by: Rebekah McBride

  You may have just received a budget analysis for running Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads or you’ve been asking yourself, “how much should I spend on PPC?” Either way, it’s a great question!  There is no cookie-cutter solution for determining a PPC budget. When deciding how much money you need to spend on your PPC efforts there are a few factors […]
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Creating Effective Content Around Current Events

May 19 / by: John Messick
Content Creation for Current Events

Current events undoubtedly play a role in business trends. When a respected, A-List celebrity is spotted at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant, suddenly, the restaurant gains popularity and has a line out the door.  When the same celebrity calls out a company for immoral practices, that business sees a drop in orders. And when companies are dismissive and unresponsive to legitimate concerns, […]
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Adding COVID-19 Resources to Your Website + Google My Business Profiles

May 12 / by: Naomi Newell
Helpful tips for Adding COVID-19 Resources to Websites + Google My Business Profiles

As the harsh reality of the COVID-19 outbreak comes into focus, Dentists, Orthodontists, and their teams of dedicated employees are realizing they don’t just have to worry about themselves and their families, but their businesses as well.  Beyond being dynamic health professionals, your practice can be a pillar to your community by offering resources and education online. Although working on […]
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Facebook vs. Instagram – The Benefits + Drawbacks of Each

May 05 / by: Kai Eldridge
Social Media Platform Differences

The introduction of social media to the business landscape has changed the way we view content creation and marketing best practices. While we recommend utilizing a variety of social media platforms as a part of your marketing strategy, making sure your content and messaging are hitting the correct demographics for each one is crucial.  Whether you are sharing photos, blog […]
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