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Your Website Content Needs Updating. Where Do You Begin?

Apr 21 / by: Michael Fitterer
Deciding Where to Begin with Website Content Updates

Are you in the “haven’t updated your website in a really LOOOONNNGGGG time boat?” If the answer is “yes” you’re probably struggling with where to begin.  The good news is that figuring out where to begin is an avoidable struggle. You can use analytics data and typical website traffic trends to make your decisions. Keep reading to learn how!    […]
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Boosting Your Digital Visibility Now and After COVID-19 Closures

Apr 14 / by: Michael Fitterer
Increase Your Practice's Digital Visibility

Many practices are closed indefinitely due to the outbreak of COVID-19. While precautionary closure is definitely the right thing to do, it certainly will hamper revenue generation for some time.  So, why not put yourself in the best possible digital position both now and when normalcy starts to return? There are a number of steps you can take to improve […]
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Your Google My Business Profile Can be Great for SEO

Apr 07 / by: Phil Horton
GMB helps SEO for your practice

We’ve all been there. On our phone looking for a quick answer. Maybe the search is for hours of a business, a quick look at a menu, or just trying to find the address. This used to be a multi-step process – first you search for a business, go to their website for address and hours info, and maybe go […]
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Exploring Top Performing Social Media Post Formats

Mar 31 / by: Kai Eldridge
Most Effective Types of Social Media Posts

Social media can be challenging. The field is growing quickly, and with constant growth comes regular change. Finding your groove on social media takes time, practice, and patience.  Best practices can be frustrating because what works for other businesses and audiences may not work for yours. However, there are 4 types of posts that are sure to perform well and […]
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How Your Website Influences Referrals

Mar 24 / by: Phil Horton
How Your Website Influences Practice Referrals

We hear it all the time: “I get most of my business from referrals.”  Established practices with a long list of loyal patients spreading the word is still very much something that influences how many new customers walk through your door. However, even if word of mouth is driving a fair share of your business, in the digital age your […]
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Sesame’s COVID-19 Resource Page Overview

Mar 19 / by: admin
Sesame COVID-19 Resources Your Practice Can Access

COVID-19 has forced us to change how we conduct our daily business and even how we interact with each other. During times of uncertainty, it’s critical that we can effectively communicate with our patients to help them deal with any disruption it has on their planned dental care – and continue to provide a quality patient experience.  COVID-19 Resource Page […]
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4 Website Content Messaging Tips for Appealing to New Patients

Mar 17 / by: Michael Fitterer
Content Optimization Tips

Visitors will make up their minds about your website in just 10 – 20  seconds!  You read that statistic correctly. According to Nielsen Norman Group research, if site visitors don’t quickly find what they’re looking for they typically leave your website quickly.  That means having a very clear message is crucial for getting visitors to stay on a given web […]
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Building a Plan With a Social Media Calendar

Mar 10 / by: Jennie Rogers
Social Media Schedule Planning

Are you looking to stay on top of your social media channels? If so, you can benefit from using a social media calendar to organize and schedule out your posts.  Important Note for Sesame Social Members – if you are a social media service Member with Sesame, you have access to the Sesame Social Suite. It gives you the ability […]
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5 Facebook Stats That Show You Need An Online Ad Presence

Mar 03 / by: Adrian Vargas

The rise in popularity of social media services comes as no surprise. The existence of a social media presence is a hallmark for marketers and brands, often being the key source of their online visibility.  With billions of people flocking to services like Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger each day there is plenty of valuable data to be studied. Facebook recently […]
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Making Social Media Posts – What’s the Right Frequency?

Feb 25 / by: Tyler Harris

  Building the perfect posting schedule can be a challenging task. Finding the correct blend of posts that keeps your followers informed while not being overbearing is a delicate balance. If you are a member of our Sesame Social Service, we provide you with consistent and relevant posts.   Still, supplementing our content with posts of your own can elevate your social media and will likely result in increased engagement.     How Often Should You Post? Studies […]
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