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Social Media Ads FAQ’s – Updated Edition

Nov 19 / by: Adrian Vargas

  At this point, many of us are aware of the benefits of running ads on social media platforms can bring. However, social media advertising is ever-changing, leading to more and more questions as time goes on. We previously did an FAQ on social media ads, but as Facebook’s Ad Manager has evolved, so too have the questions surrounding it. […]
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Why Patient Testimonials Matter

Nov 12 / by: Naomi Newell

Testimonials are great for helping to convert visitors to your website to patients at your practice! They add legitimacy to your website and make people more willing to start treatment with you.   Helping leads feel comfortable with your brand and gaining their trust is a big part of successfully converting potential new patients. Although there are many ways to do […]
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Sesame Tools for Onboarding New Patients

Nov 06 / by: Christina Curtis

Obtaining new patients is essential to the success of your business. Scheduling patients with a specific date and time for their first visit to your office is half the process. The other half, is making the appointment stick while providing a seamless first time visit that is also efficient with your time and money. Your push for a strong online […]
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SEO Tools & Tasks for Your Practice

Oct 31 / by: Aliah Rasmussen

  There are many simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tasks that practices perform with an eye towards aiding their non-paid (known as organic) search rankings. In this post, I will cover a handful of SEO tools and some SEO optimization tips that you can use to boost your practice’s visibility within Google’s search rankings.   Build a Google My Business […]
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5 CRO Recs for Boosting Prospective Patient Volume

Oct 22 / by: Michael Fitterer
Conversion Rate Optimization

Getting new patients for your practice is a challenging process. Ample competition from similar practices and an endless stream of conflicting priorities complicate attracting new patients and keeping their attention.  Yet, with some strategic website adjustments, you can create a much more compelling case for prospective clients to contact you. This post provides five conversion rate optimization (CRO) best-practices you […]
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“What happened to my Google Reviews?”

Oct 21 / by: Amy Racher

You may have seen patient reviews suddenly disappear from your practice listing on Google. This is actually not a new issue within Google Places. Google’s algorithm continuously gets more stringent (and not just for our Members). We at Sesame pride ourselves on keeping you up-to-date on the latest search algorithm trends. This post covers some of the most important strategies […]
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Halloween Social Media Posting Ideas

Oct 16 / by: Phil Horton

When the leaves change and the weather cools off the Halloween spirit descends upon us. Not only does this mean that Fall has arrived in full force–it also means that this is a great time to fill your metaphorical trick-or-treat bucket with social media content!  Many practices struggle to keep their content calendars full of social media content. It takes […]
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Make Your Practice Stand Out With Custom Content

Oct 08 / by: Tyler Harris

Content is king – especially when it comes to social media. You want your online presence to stand out from the crowd but also, and more importantly, show off your office’s personality.  With the Sesame Social service, we provide you with constant, informative posts but we also strive to give you ways to customize these posts to really fit your […]
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Google Analytics 101 – Why Your Practice Needs It

Oct 01 / by: John Nguyen

Google Analytics (GA) is a free tool used to help track end user traffic and activity.  Why is tracking what the end-user does so important? Well, it helps to know what aspects of your website are performing well in relation to attracting and keeping visitors and which ones are not. Knowing what end-users want is key to your website’s success. […]
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Fall Content Ideas for Your Practice

Sep 24 / by: Jennie Rogers

Fall is a great time to step up your social media strategy! Seasonal and holiday-themed content is not only a great way to connect and engage with your patients but it’s also a chance to highlight your values and show off your fun and unique personality all while cultivating a strong online presence across multiple social media channels. In today’s […]
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