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SEO for Your Practice – 3 Actionable Tips

Sep 19 / by: Aliah Rasmussen

  When it comes to SEO, you want to make sure that you put relevant and high-quality content on your blog or website to help increase your online presence. The tips below are a great way to improve your organic rankings via SEO.   Use Relevant Keywords Although keywords have been around for years, they are still one of the […]
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3 Marketing KPIs That Affect Your Practice’s Success

Sep 17 / by: Michael Fitterer

News flash – there are other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) than Return on Investment (ROI) and cost! Don’t get me wrong – knowing how profitable you are and what you’re spending are probably THE MOST IMPORTANT metrics of financial success for your practice. Yet, these figures don’t occur in a vacuum. There are a number of very important marketing metrics […]
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5 Immediate, Actionable Social Media Tips for Your Practice

Sep 10 / by: John Messick

  Having a successful social media campaign can seem like a daunting challenge but it doesn’t have to be! There are many simple steps that companies can take to make their social media presence grow without taking up too much time or planning. Here is a list of some immediate, actionable tips you can take to grow your social media […]
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Digital Marketing Acronyms Influencing Your Practice

Sep 05 / by: Rebekah McBride

  It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the acronyms and vocabulary used to explain digital marketing.  Let us help! In this blog post, we have compiled a few key acronyms to help you begin to decrypt the online marketing jargon.    SERP – Search Engine Results Page A SERP is the result of every search query. Once you perform […]
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Orthodontic Conferences You Won’t Want to Miss!

Aug 28 / by: Phil Horton

Industry conferences are a great way to network, learn about the latest trends in the field, and find the best products for your practice.  For Sesame Communications, it also gives us an opportunity to meet face-to-face with the Members we partner with to help grow their practices. Below are some of the must-attend orthodontic conferences in the industry.   American […]
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Success With Facebook Ads: How do You Measure it?

Aug 20 / by: Adrian Vargas

So you’ve gone ahead and launched a Facebook ad campaign – wonderful! You built an audience, selected your keywords, and chose your marketing objective. So what’s next? Now it’s time to look at the results and figure out if the ads were a success or not. This is where trouble can arise because we each have our own vision of […]
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Protecting Your Practice Online

Aug 17 / by: Tyler Carter

Today’s patients are educated, tech savvy, and expect a certain level of privacy to be maintained when browsing the web.  So too are data thieves. According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, the number of records breached in the Healthcare industry doubled from 6.1 million in 2017 to 13.7 million in 2018.1 So how can you instill a level of trust […]
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Long Tail Keywords Drive PPC Success for Your Practice

Aug 13 / by: Michael Fitterer
Using Long Tail Keywords To Attract Patients

I’m going to drop a harsh reality on you – not all paid search keywords are created equally.  Google and Microsoft use elaborate algorithms when deciding on what to charge an advertiser each time their ad appears within search results and is clicked. The factors contributing to the price make up a 1 – 10 ranking (10 being the best) […]
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Overview of Your Sesame Onboarding Process

Aug 06 / by: Christina Curtis

So you’ve decided to rebrand your practice and need a new website, or maybe you have taken the leap towards better communication with your patients by adding a reminder system. The thought of getting started can be overwhelming. What happens next? Within two business days of purchasing your new Sesame services, the onboarding team will be reaching out to guide […]
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Why You Should Care About Reviews

Jul 30 / by: John Lee

Reviews represent a massive piece of your online profile.  They’re vital for online retailers and just as important for local businesses.  We’ve all seen local business listings appear within Google search results when you search for goods or services nearby. They’re literally the first thing you see! Thereafter you’ll see additional review sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor. It’s clear […]
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