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Get Organized with a Social Media Content Calendar

Jan 04 / by: Marie Dubray
Creating a Content Calendar

Taking the time to plan out your content and get it scheduled can be a time-consuming process. Still, consistency is key. Planning and scheduling are necessary elements of growing engagement on your social media profiles. So, what is the solution for planning and organizing your content strategy? It’s simple. Have a content calendar!   What is a Content Calendar? You […]
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How do Title Tags Help SEO Efforts?

Dec 14 / by: Aliah Rasmussen
Title Tag Optimization

Title tags are all around us! Have you ever noticed the descriptive information for a web page at the top of your internet browser? That information is the “title tag” for that page.  Here’s a look at how the title tag displays in a search window for Sesame’s website category page, for example:  Title tags are the clickable heading shown […]
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Instagram Creator vs. Instagram Business Accounts

Dec 07 / by: Marie Dubray
Instagram Creator Accounts vs. Instagram Business Accounts

As a business, you may know that Instagram has a special account type for businesses called a Business Account. But did you know that there is also another type of business account, the Creator Account? Now you may be wondering, what are the differences between both account types and how can each one of them benefit what you are trying […]
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What’s the Right Social Media Posting Frequency?

Nov 30 / by: Marie Dubray
Social Media Posting Frequency

Content creators often struggle with balancing posting too frequently vs. not posting often enough. Will people unfollow you because you post every single day? Or will they unfollow you because you don’t post every single week? Finding the sweet spot of posting frequency can be challenging. Overwhelming and spamming your followers is a big “NO,” but you also don’t want […]
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Google and Bing are Going Responsive

Nov 16 / by: Michael Fitterer
Google and Bing Responsive Ad Changes

Ad copy changes are coming to Google and Bing! That’s right, effective June 30th, 2022 BOTH Google and Microsoft Advertising (Bing) are switching ALL new search ads creation to the Responsive Format. Wait, what? I know, this sounds very painful. Luckily, expanded text ads created before that date will continue to run and they can be enabled and paused as […]
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The Benefits of YouTube Shorts

Nov 09 / by: Marie Dubray
Creating YouTube Shorts

Within the past decade, YouTube has gained massive popularity. Sharing a video on YouTube has become more than just a hobby, it has become a lifestyle. More recently, they have moved towards the creation of short clips to attract more users to the platform.  As a result, if your practice is looking to expand your social media content output and […]
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Understanding Onsite vs. Offsite SEO

Nov 02 / by: Phil Horton
Understanding Onsite + Offsite SEO

Search engine algorithms are designed to determine which websites are most applicable for a given search result. The websites are then listed in results based on an abundance of factors. Interestingly, both onsite and offsite considerations influence rankings.  So, what are onsite and offsite factors? I created this blog post to help you understand the difference between the two and […]
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3 Social Media Trends that Will Improve Visibility

Oct 26 / by: Marie Dubray
Social Media Trends for Practices to Utilize

Let’s take a look at some of the biggest social media trends over the past year. There have been a few updates worth noting that can help your practice gain social visibility.  Within this post, I will cover 3 cool social media content trends your practice can utilize to increase overall engagement!   Connect With Your Followers Through Live Streams […]
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Using Instagram Captions to Grow Your Engagement

Oct 19 / by: Marie Dubray
Instagram Captions are Important

  Having an Instagram account is a great way to grow your customer base. But posting content on Instagram is just a stop on the way to success. In this blog post, I will cover how captions impact your social media performance and offer advice for crafting your own creative captions.   Understanding How Captions Affect the Algorithm When you […]
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Tips for Getting Your Content Seen on Facebook

Oct 12 / by: Nicole Gamble
Showing up in Facebook Search Results

Getting your content in front of your target audience on Facebook can be a challenging process. However, by understanding how Facebook chooses to display content, you can greatly improve the likelihood of your posts being seen.  In this post, I will offer a curated list with tips to help your practice produce higher-ranking content within Facebook’s algorithm. Keep reading to […]
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